
Below lists a snippet of the past works undertaken by JK Irrigation Ltd. 

The Addington GC

CJW requested us to help create a new golf hole with fairway irrigation and project support with new drainage. 

Woldingham GC

Working alongside Ely Construction creating tees, this is our third year in a row working on this ongoing project. 

Sports Pitch

A dosing unit installed helping to create a better water quailty for irrigation use. Working with EndoSan with a custom built unit for these works. 

Bicester Golf Club

JK Irrigation completed a new golf course irrigation installation. The course was built by 1st Golf Construction, designed by Swann Golf Design and the irrigation designed by Irritech. 

Billingbear Golf Club

JK Irrigation installed a new golf course installation system over the 9/18 holes of the course including a selection of fairways. Designed by JK Irrigation. 

The Grove Golf Club

JK Irrigation recently undertook a full course audit of The Grove Golf Club and The Grounds of the venue. Sprinkler by sprinkler creating a full report for the customer. Issues found ranked 1 - 10 and a work schedule created working with the site to create in house list of tasks to be completed.